Monday, September 12, 2016

Blog Post 4: Movie Speech

Tom Hanks, in my opinion is one of the greatest actors of all time. My favorite performance of his is his role as Captain Miller in the movie, Saving Private Ryan. In that movie he gave a speech about his mission. His mission was to put the lives of not only himself but multiple men on the line to only save one. While watching this movie you begin to wonder why would he do such a thing, risk the lives of the many to save the few, when really it should be the other way around. But, when his men begin to realize this and when all hope seems lost he says to them, "If that earns me the right to get back to my wife then that's my mission". What took away from was that if though the things we are asked to do may seem pointless, or insignificant. If it can get you closer to your goal or your mission, then it's worth your time and it has meaning. In college we are given some much work from multiple professors that may be due on the same day or within days of each other. Therefore, when we're given something that seems just a waste of time, we as students must realize that it's for our on good and we must take everything as seriously as possible. Even if one assignment may be worth 40% of your grade but you're also given 50 math problem that aren't being graded by your professor. I must realize that they are both worth my time, because are worth doing and will eventually help me to achieving my long and short term goals during my college career.

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