Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Tyree's Blog 3: Poetry festival

My senior year of high school I was on the verge of making a C in English. In order to get some extra credit to boost my grade up to a B, I volunteered to recite a poem in front of all the 1st period English classes. I wanted to choice a poem that was short enough to remember but long enough so that I would get the entire extra credit. So for the next two weeks leading up to the poetry festival, I looked for the perfect poem to recite. I also need to check with my teacher in order to get her approval to perform the poem. I remember in the days leading up to the presentation I wasn't very nervous. Although I hate public speaking and would prefer not to do so, I have no problem doing it if it's for a grade especially for bonus points. I decided to recite to poem, "And did Those Feet", by William Blake. Which also happens to be my mothers favorite poem. Surprisingly the whole experience was pretty fun, even though the extra credit I received wasn't enough to push me up to a B.

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